Hard Days

Without Stress, how would you know what relief feels like? Would relief be the same? Would it feel as good? Imagine a moment in your life where you were really under the pressure of Stress/Discomfort and something changed, where you felt a huge weight lift off your shoulders. That moment when relief showed up, can you feel it? An amazing feeling, yes?

Although Stress/Discomfort is downright brutal sometimes(suffering), it is still an integral part of the equation(life). The idea that there would not be any good feelings if not for bad feelings, offers us not only variety to keep from living a bland ground hog’s day life, but it also gives us amazing contrast.

I am not saying go out and find you some stress so you can seek relief. Although if you study human behavior, it is very much the case that we do engage in stress building just so we can seek relief. Especially when doping or vice type of relief is used. That is a different conversation though. What I am promoting here is for you to be thankful for every moment, even the stressful ones.